Atom and His Package, 53rd State, Control Group, El Camino Club
Stevenson Theatre, Pittsburgh, PA
21 September 1999
posted: 30 January, 2012 00:14
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If one thing is complete about this scattered 'archive' of Pittsburgh indie music posters, it's the ones from shows I booked myself at the Stevenson Theater in Shadyside/East Liberty. Doug Mosurak and I booked a bunch of things together during our brief partnership of 1999 and because we made the posters ourselves, I had a lot left over so I'm pretty sure they are complete.
This one was the biggest shows we ever did - I think something like 120 people came, if I remember correctly - obviously capitalising on Atom and His Package's popularity, we packed the house and I don't remember much about the show, except that after paying all of the artists well, and paying the Nypavers who ran the space, we still had a chunk of cash left over so we took $200 for ourselves. Which to this day I think is the only time I actually kept money for myself from organising a show. I think everyone got paid $200, maybe Atom got $300. I really don't remember.
More to come about the short-lived Stevenson Theater in future posts.